Getting started

Enrol with Te Wana

Make contact to enrol

Contact us by email or phone (NZ) +64272075606 or (Australia) +61402311762. We welcome the opportunity to understand your organisation and build a relationship. We will send you an enrolment form which, along with conversations, assists us to customise a package for you.

When you join Te Wana you become a member of our quality network with access to:
- a copy of the Standards and Good Practice Guides
- initiations to group training and support sessions
- electronic workbooks to guide your self-assessments and quality work plan
- an assessment/accreditation review against the Standards, an onsite visit of 2-3 days
- if you meet the requirements, a certificate and the use of our logos
- ongoing support for and monitoring of your progress
- opportunity for staff to become trained peer reviewers

Te Wana Standards and Accreditation Programme will give you an across-the-board report card on your organisation’s quality performance and a process to identify and implement quality improvement priorities.

1. Assess Readiness:

Once you are enrolled, we work with you to decide how long you want to take, which standards are the best fit, and whether to choose annual certification or three-yearly accreditation.

2. Internal Self-Assessment:

A 12–18 month self-assessment period where the organisation reflects on how it performs against the Quality Standards. This period is like a “stock take” of the organisational systems, policies and processes. It provides an opportunity for identifying gaps and developing ideas for improvement and making some of those improvements. It is also an opportunity to note and celebrate identified achievements.

3. External Review:

A team of 2 to 4 visit the organisation for an onsite assessment over 2 to 3 days against the standards. This includes reading the self-assessment workbook, policies and other documents, and conducting group interviews with a range of your people, service recipients, and external stakeholders.
A review report written by the review team provides an overview of organisational context, strengths, areas for improvement and gives recommendations and commendations. The report is independently audited, sent to the organisation for comment or feedback and then finalised.

4. Taking Action-Quality Workplan:

The Quality Workplan is an action plan for working through the self and team recommendations of the Review Report. Recommendations identify what needs to be done to meet the Quality Standards and to help an organisation make further improvements.  The Quality Workplan phase is usually about 12 – 18 months, with progress reports made every six months to Te Wana. Demonstrated progress on the Quality Workplan is a requirement of the Te Wana programme