We help you achieve and demonstrate your excellence.

We build a relationship with you so you can be the best you can be. Te Wana - supporting organisations to gain AAA-NZ accreditation since 2000.

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A step by step overview of the
Te Wana programme


Accreditation Programmes

Te Wana's Quality Standards and Accreditation Programmes take an exciting and flexible approach to help your organisation establish a quality management system.

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The Process

When enrolling on Te Wana you may decide to initially work towards a development review, then continue to accreditation. Alternatively you can work towards accreditation from the start.

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Enrolment and Training

We are happy to visit or make presentations for staff and governing bodies about Te Wana. We also provide free Internal Contact and Peer Review training once an organisation is on the programme.

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Outcomes Focus

Te Wana has a positive outcomes focus, ensuring member organisations can determine what success means to them. Using our open and transparent processes, your organisation can achieve success.

Te Wana member receiving accreditation certificate
what te wana offers you

Te Wana is a flexible, capacity building Quality Improvement Programme that can help your organisation:

Establish a Quality Management System.
Develop a culture of reflection and continuous improvement.
Achieve external accreditation.
Strengthen networks.
Participate in a peer review system.
Develop your workforce.
Our members

We have been trusted for over 25 years by 80+ organisations

Organisations enrolled on Te Wana Quality and Accreditation Programme have access to Guidelines, Standards and Quality Strategies which include: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Tamariki Ora Well Child, Whanau Ora Community Services, Integrated Primary Health Care, Alcohol and Drugs, Mental Health, and Women’s Health Services.

Hauora Logo
Family Start Manakau Logo
Supporting Families Logo
Purapura Whetu Logo

“We started out with having no idea where to start and I’m still reeling with like, wow we actually have accreditation and in such a short time frame”.

Piringa Logo
He Punahauora Logo
Walgett Aboriginal Medical Logo
Te Puke Karanga Logo

“We just wanted to say, how we appreciated all your support and valuable help in receiving accreditation”.

Ngamaatawaka Logo
Illwara Women's Health Service Logo
Whaioro Trust Logo
South Coast Medical Service Logo
Te Putahitanga Logo

“I was so thankful for the ZOOM Meetings as they helped with putting the pieces in some tangible form for me and sharing information and developing information documents required was amazing”.


Te Wana

Leadership in quality improvement, inspiring organisations to be the best they can be.

Kia ora, Kia Orana, Taloha Ni, Talofa Lava, Nisa Bula, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Fakatalofa Atu, Malo e Lelei, Halo Olaketa, welcome to Te Wana Quality Programme.

Kaupapa Māori, Pasifika, Aboriginal, Primary Health, Mental Health, Tamariki Ora/Well Child, Community Social Service organisation or other NGO?

Then Te Wana is the Quality Improvement Programme for you!


Looking for more information?

+64 27 2075606